Second Half for Freedom

less than 1 minute read

Photo by @wizwow on Unsplash

Work to Live or Live to Work

  • NEW: Nature, Eat, Snake
  • TGIF: finish work earlier
  • Travel in Japan: twice per a month

Zero to Minus, Zero to Plus

Zero to Minus

  1. Health
  2. Wealth
  3. Lonliness

Zero to Plus

  1. Love
  2. Nature
  3. Food

Key Concepts

  • 「からっぽ」:君は何を保守するか
  • 記憶なき若者:保守するものがない
  • システムが人間を萎縮させる:脱依存
  • 相対から絶対へ:自分の価値を愛でよ
  • 主知主義批判:人生は設計不可能
  • 未既定性を楽しむ:委ねる
  • 中間集団:参加と自治せよ
  • プラグマティズム:認識から経験へ

Explore & Exploit

  1. Reinforcement Learning
  2. Deep Learning
  3. Pytorch
  4. Docker
  5. MLflow


  • 言葉の自動機械(合理性)
  • 法の奴隷(道徳性)
  • 損得マシーン(経済性)

E & D


  1. Task and Advanced Technology
  2. English and Diversity
  3. Literacy and DS Consensus
  4. Okane and Social Credit
  5. Politics in Large Size


  1. Friends and Community

Ideal Work

  1. What: Tech is fun, but Farm is better
  2. Where: in Nature or in Culture
  3. Who: Friend or Bound


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