Data Structures: Linked-Lists

1 minute read

Type of Data Manipulation

Linked-Listsは、Data Structureのうち反復的(Iterative)構造をもつ.

  1. Iterative 反復的
  2. Recursive 再帰的

Data Manipulation Speed Comparison

Query Linked list Array normal Array sorted BST
SEARCH O(n) O(n) O(logn) O(logn)
INSERT O(1) O(1) O(n) O(logn)
REMOVE O(n) O(n) O(n) O(logn)

Queries of Linked-Lists

  • Queries
    1. 追加 insert()
    2. 削除 remove()
    3. 検索 search()
    4. 更新 update()

Pros/Cons of Linked-Lists

  • When to use:
    • Frequent insert / delete operations on elements in the array without requiring random access to the elements in the array
  • Pros
    • Insertions and deletions are easier than for contiguous (array) lists
    • Scalability: Overflow can never occur unless the memory is actually full
    • With large records, moving pointers is easier and faster than moving the items themselves
  • Cons
    • Linked lists do not allow random access
    • Time must be spent traversing and changing the pointers
    • The pointers require extra space

Components of Linked-Lists

  • Each Node has:
    1. Data
    2. Pointer
  • Each List has:
    1. Head
    2. Tail

Types of Linked-Lists

  • Singly-linked list
  • Circularly-linked list
  • Doubly-linked list

Code for Linked-Lists


  1. 連結リストにおけるノードの構造を表現するクラス
  2. 連結リストの構造や処理を表現するクラス

  3. 実際にクエリを投げる

1. Node: 連結リストにおけるノードの構造を表現するクラス

class linkedListNode(object):

    def __init__(self, d, n = None): = d
        self.next_node = n

    def get_next(self):
        return self.next_node

    def set_next(self, n):
        self.next_node = n

    def get_data(self):

    def set_data(self, d): = d

2. 連結リストの構造や処理を表現するクラス

class SinglyLinkedList(object):
    # Two instance variable: root&size
    def __init__(self, r = None):
        self.root = r
        self.size = 0

    def get_size(self):
        return self.size

    def add(self, d):
        new_node = Node (d, self.root)
        self.root = new_node
        self.size += 1

    def remove(self, d):
        this_node = self.root
        prev_node = None

        while this_node:
            if this_node.get_data() == d:
                if prev_node:
                    self.root = this_node.get_next()
                self.size -= 1
                return True		# data removed
                prev_node = this_node
                this_node = this_node.get_next()
        return False  # data not found

    def find(self, d):
        this_node = self.root
        while this_node:
            if this_node.get_data() == d:
                return d
                this_node = this_node.get_next()
        return None

3. 実際にクエリを投げる

  • get_size()
  • find(data)
  • add(data)
  • remove(data)

# ノードの作成
node1 = linkedListNode("10")
node2 = linkedListNode("6")
node3 = linkedListNode("3")
# 連結



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